How to get your own OpenAPS system up and running

The OpenAPS setup process can be broken up into several parts:

  1. These can be done in parallel:

    A. Choose and get your hardware. You have several options for compatible pumps, CGMs, and rig components. While you will likely already have some of the gear you’ll need (e.g., you’ll likely keep using your CGM) it may take a few weeks to choose and find a compatible pump and to collect your rig hardware. Once you have your rig pieces (a computer, a radio board, and a battery) you’ll need to put them together.

    B. Prepare to use OpenAPS. You’ll need to set up Nightscout if you haven’t already, and make a few tweaks if you have; review your pump settings; and make sure you’re comfortable using your pump if it’s new to you. You’ll also do some reading to make sure you understand how OpenAPS works, how you’ll use your new closed loop, and what options are available to you.

  2. Install OpenAPS on your rig! There are detailed instructions that walk you through this process. This may take approximately 1-3 hours, but it’s doable regardless of how much of a “tech person” you are.

  3. Customize your system: once you’re comfortable with basic usage of your new closed loop, you can try out advanced features, add integrations, etc. Over time, you may also choose to enable advanced features or update your rig, as more features and algorithm improvements become available.

As with all things new, there is a little bit of a learning curve to building your first OpenAPS rig. Read slowly, double-check your spelling and make sure you don’t skip steps. If you get stuck or are unsure, you can use the screenshots to compare how the resulting screens should look. You can also ask for specific help if you find yourself stuck.